How to get rid of parasites in children and adults with folk remedies?

How to get rid of parasites that have settled in the human body? You can use medication, but this treatment has significant limitations. All antiparasitic drugs are very toxic, cause a large number of side effects and are not suitable for everyone. But there is a way out - using folk remedies. Their preparation requires only natural ingredients, so this antiparasitic therapy is completely safe. The only exception is an individual intolerance to one of the ingredients.

stomachache with parasites and ginger with lemon to get rid of them

Features of treatment with traditional medicine

Despite the fact that you can buy various drugs for body cleansing at the pharmacy, people are always trying to find more gentle treatments. Why so? Medicines are very powerful, but they cause some side effects. This is especially scary for parents and pregnant women who need to get rid of parasites. Such circumstances become the reason that people turn to traditional medicine.

For centuries, the only way to treat various diseases was formulations made from natural ingredients. Prescribing such drugs is common today. Getting rid of parasites with the help of folk remedies is a simple task. The principle is as follows: when a person takes the drug, conditions are created in his body in which parasites cannot exist. Why is this happening? It turns out that in many plants there is a specific substrate that has an adverse effect on parasites. Thanks to him, the composition of the digestive environment changes. It becomes unsuitable for the further existence of the parasite.

Traditional medicine has the following properties:

  1. restore normal microflora;
  2. neutralize dysbacteriosis;
  3. normalize metabolism;
  4. remove all parasites from the body;
  5. fight related infections;
  6. strengthen human immunity;
  7. create conditions not for the parasites to settle in the body again.

To achieve such a result, you can prepare various means. It can be a decoction, extract, tincture, solution. But for them to really help, it is necessary to create conditions for effective treatment:

  1. Nutrition optimization. Main recommendations:
    • do not overload the stomach;
    • reduce meat consumption, dairy products;
    • carbohydrates and proteins should be consumed separately;
    • include cereals in the diet, which helps to clean the intestines well.
    • Give up alcohol and smoking.
    • No contact with pets.
    • Better hygiene care.

It is easy to remove parasites in such conditions. The main thing is not to forget about future prevention.

Overview of ways to clean the body

Parasites in the human body disrupt the work of all systems. Therefore, folk remedies not only aim to get rid of these unwanted "guests", but also help restore the entire functioning of the organs. There are many methods, but we will consider the most effective.

1. Tea for cleansing

This drink can cleanse the intestines, gallbladder and liver. To prepare it, you need to do:

  • oak bark - 1 tbsp. l;
  • mugwort - 1 tbsp. l;
  • tansy - 1 tbsp. l;
  • buckthorn bark - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix all ingredients and store in a dry jar. To make tea, you need to take 1 teaspoon of MSG. Mix the mixture and pour it with 0. 5 liters of boiling water, leave overnight. In the morning before eating, drink 100 ml of this tea. Repeat daily for 3 weeks. Such a decoction not only cleanses the human body of various parasites, but also improves liver function.

2. Joseph Slonetsky's Method

The correction must be carried out for a long time - 9 months. During this time, the human body will be cleansed of parasites, the work of all organs and systems will improve, and working capacity will increase. Before that, bad skin will become fresh, younger, dark circles in the eyes also disappear. List of required ingredients:

  • oil (olive, corn, grape);
  • Lemon;
  • aloe leaves.

To deworm your body, you need to prepare yourself a healing mixture every evening from 10 ml of aloe vera juice, 10 ml of oil, the juice of half a lemon and then drink it. The first 3 months we use olive oil, the next 3 months - corn, the other 3 months - grapes.

folk remedies for human parasites

3. Mushroom tincture

Cleansing the human body with chanterelle mushrooms is a well-known method. Chanterelles contain unique substances that adversely affect helminths. But in order for this product to retain its properties, you need to use it correctly. For example, heat treatment kills all necessary qualities. To get rid of parasites, you should prepare tincture:

  • 4 tbsp. l. dry chanterelles pour 300 ml of vodka;
  • put the mixture in a jar and close the lid;
  • refrigerate for 15 days;
  • Shake the flask every 3 days.

When the tincture is ready, then it should be consumed in 1 tsp. every night. The duration of treatment is 1 month. In addition to the fact that the drug helps with deworming, it also strengthens the immune system.

4. Garlic Alcohol

To make 1 liter of cognac, you need 400 g of peeled garlic cloves. Pour ingredients into jars, seal tightly and keep in a dark place for 3 weeks. Drink 1 tbsp. l. daily morning. Body cleansing lasts 2 months.

5. Pumpkin Seeds

This method comes from ancient China. Initially, it was suggested to use lightly toasted pumpkin seeds, but today raw seeds are also used. For treatment and prevention, eat 10 pumpkin seeds daily for 2 weeks. Then you need to rest for 10 days and repeat the course.

Every year this method has tried to modernize. As a result, honey and milk were added to the mashed pumpkin seeds in the blender. Cleansing the human body can be done as follows:

  • 1 teaspoon crushed pumpkin seeds to eat on an empty stomach;
  • drink a glass of warm milk;
  • Take a laxative after an hour.

The worms leave the body with the feces.

How to deal with parasites in children?

If parasites in adults can be defeated with any recipe of traditional medicine, in children things are much more complicated. First, parents should consult a doctor if their child shows signs of infection. The pediatrician will prescribe examination and treatment if necessary. Folk remedies, no matter how harmless, but in the case of children, you need to pay special attention. They can be used only after consulting a doctor.

Pomegranate peel and garlic to get rid of parasites

Overview of traditional medicine recipes that help to remove parasites from the child's body:

  1. Peel a medium onion, cut it into small pieces and put in a jar. Add a cup of boiling water and cover. The product should be infused for 12 hours at room temperature. Drink 100 ml per day. Body cleansing lasts 7 days.
  2. Divide pomegranate seeds into 2 parts. One part pour a cup of boiling water and boil for 7-10 minutes. Cover the pan and let the medicine incubate for 3 hours, then filter the water. Take 2 sips 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
  3. Put the pre-peeled garlic in the pan and add 250 g of milk. Boil for a few minutes until the garlic becomes soft. Insist 12 hours, then stress. Add 3 tbsp. l. Garlic decoction 1 time per day in the morning before meals. Body cleansing lasts 1 week.


If parasites are found in the body of a family member, then everyone who lives with him should be treated. In the future, to prevent reinfection, you need to keep the following precautions in mind:

  • always wash your hands before eating, after going for a walk;
  • teach children from an early age to keep their hands clean;
  • wash all vegetables and fruits under running water, and even better - rinse with boiling water;
  • thoroughly boiled or fried fish and meat;
  • see what water you drink;
  • regularly give pets deworming drugs to prevent diseases;
  • refuse food prepared in inconspicuous places;
  • on the beach to walk in shoes.

Folk remedies can be used for preventive purposes.